Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When Scabia Invades.

Our landlady is a worried woman. She worries about the washing machine, she worries about us plugging the drains, but mostly she worries about "scabia". "Scabia" is some sort of skin parasite that can be found on pigeons. She saw that one of my roommates had hung his shirt outside the window to dry. Apparently this is a dangerous place because "scabia" might fall on it from the pigeons. She became very agitated when discussing "scabia".

1 comment:

DavieMac48 said...

Is scabia Italian for scabies, a small almost microscopic mite, which causes "the seven-year itch"? They can be carried by host organisms like
fleas. I imagine they might be carried ny pigeons, too.